1 September 2019
125.8 Bohnert DAP 35, 94.5" and 91". That's 7.5" and 5.5" the last 5 days. Slowing down a lot getting to 100" is going to be a nail biter. The bottom of my longest one compared to the other is really strange. I am happy the longest one is so healthy.
30 August 2019
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
1911 DAP 75. Going to double the amount of water, figure one of three things will happen - 5% growth picks up, -20% it splits, -75% just wasting water.
29 August 2019
2363 Holland DAP 75. Have you ever looked at your pumpkin and wonder if the shape indicates heavy or light to chart? I am obsessed with this thought.
27 August 2019
I have 2 long gourds at DAP 30 and 86"/87" respectively. I'm guessing about 10-15 days of growth left, with a little bit of luck still might get 100"
25 August 2019
DAP 70 and it looks like both the 1911 Urena and 2363 Holland have run out of gas. I am not disappointed, 4 years ago I would have been delighted with 2 pumpkins nearing 1000 pounds. Now we limp toward the finish line 27 days to go. Every pound counts.
19 August 2019
125.8 Bohnert LG time lapse DAP 8, 9, 14, 22. Still growing 4" per day, in 48" I hit the ground, sure hope I have that problem.
17 August 2019
2363 Holland DAP 63, stopped trying to measure just to difficult to get a accurate one. Put this bamboo stick about 1" away 3 days ago, as long as I have to keep moving the stick I'm happy. #OneInchAtATime #LikeMyWeeds?
15 August 2019
1911 Urena and 2363 Holland DAP 60. These two have been fighting a battle all year staying within just a few pounds of each other, until the last 5 days. Now the 2363 has taken a commanding lead, 37 days to go, hope it can keep it going.
11 August 2019
125.8 Bohnert DAP 9 and 14, starting to pickup the pace now. I have culled all other LGs on this plant, kinda scary feeling but I gotta learn.
10 August 2019
CC growth chart of the 1911 and 2363, amazing how close they have been all season.
10 August 2019
1911 Urena DAP 45 and 55. CC is 155.25, going to be a fight to get over 1000 but my glass is half full. 2017 and 23018 had 2 over 1000 sure would like to keep that going in 2019.
9 August 2019
2363 Holland DAP 45 and 55, CC is 157.25 which is my best ever at day 55 just wish it was a bit taller, but I'll take it!
7 August 2019
L to R 97.4 Olsen A (DAP 30) and B (DAP 19). B is doing much better then A but has such a weird shape. B is also doing better then last years watermelon the 97.4, 45 long agonizing days to go...LOL
5 August 2019
125.8 Bohnert about a week after pollination, around 18" long so I am going to assume it is a good set. Not sure but I guess I should only have 1 per plant just like giant pumpkins. If you have advice let me know, "contact" button is on the homepage.
5 August 2019
Time lapse of the 1911 Urena every 5 days from DAP 10 to DAP 50.
5 August 2019
Time lapse of the 2363 Holland every 5 days from DAP 10 to DAP 50.
31 July 2019
1911 Urena DAP 35 and 45. Doing slightly better lately then the 2363 but it is still a very tight race between the two. I only go to one weigh off, if one of them doesn't make a charge soon I will need to pre-weigh them to determine which is going to be my EXH pumpkin.
30 July 2019
2363 Holland DAP 35 and 45, a very steady grower haven't had a really fantastic growth spurt all season just steady chugging along, 53 more days till the weigh off. Don't run out of gas on my yet buddy!
26 July 2019
DAP 40 and the 1911 and 2363 are chugging along. The 1911 is consistently putting in 25+ per day over last 10 days and the 2363 hit the mid 30's per day last 5 days. Should have both over 1000 this year with a outside chance of a new PB.
24 July 2019
So, this is my annual report of the temperature in the shade under an open pavilion 30 yards from my greenhouses, If you have ever been in a tunnel greenhouse without ventilation fans you can't imagine how hot it is. God bless my plants.
24 July 2019
Local TV was here to do a spot for the weather news.
23 July 2019
97.4 Olsen DAP 8 and 15, what a difference a week makes. Averaging 3" circumference per day right now. I like!
21 July 2019
1911 and 2363 DAP 35, typical weight gain for my standards, though the Urena has started to pick up the pace. The next 5 days will determine if I am going to have another 1000-1100 pound season or if I can shoot for 1500+
16 July 2019
DAP 30 did my first OTT measurement. I like the color of the 1911 Urena but the shape and size of the 2363 Holland is my favorite.
13 July 2019
132.5 Crews DAP 2 and 9, little experience with FP's but I like the growth, will be a PB for me if I get it to the weigh off. German record is 182.1 so I guess that is my goal.
11 July 2019
1911 Urena time lapse DAP 10, 15, 20, 25.
10 July 2019
2363 Holland time lapse DAP 10, 15, 20, 25.
6 July 20
From left to right the 1911 and 2363.
1911 Urena DAP 20, growth rate is good. Developing a nasty Dill Ring. If the growth rate continues, I expect this one to split on me at the Dill Ring. Always a challenge guess that’s why I enjoy this hobby so much.
2363 Holland DAP 20, growth rate is very good. Found a soft spot I caused with my finger nail and put a fan on it right away, it has dried up and starting to scar over so I am not to worried about it now, just going to be a big ugly scar.
1 July 2019
Left to right 1911 Urena and 2363 Holland day 15 after pollination.
26 June 2019
From left to right the 1911 Urena and the 2363 Holland DAp 10. The 1911 looks like it is going to be a fruit with big ribs and the 2363 is a nice round one.
20 April 2019
1911 Urena on the left is not cooperating at all, growing straight up, will need to use bamboo sticks to ease it down slowly so that it doesn't fall over and break the vine, that will take a while. The 2363 Holland on the right has been perfect, touched down by itself without any problems and is starting to run.
1 Mar 2019
Started a 1911 Urena, a 2363 Holland, and 2 - 384.5 Terry bushel gourds.
The Urena is my primary giant pumpkin and the 2363 is a backup.
25 Feb 19
My 97.4 Olsen 18 watermelon germinated and 2 of the 6.06 Schmit germinated. Very happy with these early results as I am using a new starter soil and this positive feedback is good for my gardener soul.
24 Feb 19
21 days after germination and my test giant mater seedling is doing well. This is my first time growing them so I am learning. *Notice my professional electric system
20 Feb 19
Planted the following seeds today:
1 x 97.4 Olsen 18
2 x 315.5 Kent 17
1 x 288.5 Kent 17
3 x 6.06 Schmit 18
If I have any problems with germination I have plenty of time to plant backup seeds.
10 Feb 19
This is a practice giant mater seedling that is 14 days since I planted the seed. I have a lot to learn.
10 Feb 19
A neighbor has a acre or so of farm land that we are going to use for a squash project. The actual project is just to see if I can get any of these seeds to germinate, if they do they will be planted just not really taken care of, just for fun.
10 Feb 19
This year (if the weather works) I am going to try growing stuff that are way out of my league. Still growing giant pumpkins but only 2 this year, haven't decided which ones I am growing except that my 1302.5 will be started as a back up plant.